About PetersPioneersWander-Buch of Wilibald Koch

By Peter Biggins.

Betty and Gerhard Becker, James Griffin, Carmen and Bernhard Hampl, Lee Kline, Thomas Krahn, Hilda Roderick, and Kurt Rosenbaum have made contributions to this story.

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Kingdom of Württemberg
Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Württemberg. Adopted by King William in 1817 and lasting until 1922. Motto: Furchtlos und trew (Fearless and loyal).

Ropemaking Links

Making Rope

Journeyman Links

Journeyman Years


Traveling Journeymen in Metternichian South Germany, by George S. Werner, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 125, No. 3, (Jun. 23, 1981), pp. 190-219

Cleaving to the Medieval, Journeymen Ply Their Trades in Europe, by Melissa Eddy, The New York Times, (Aug. 8, 2017)

Nordens rejsende svende: Naverne, Illustreret Videnskab Historie (Science Illustrated History), Nov. 16, 2018, pp. 44-51

In Traveling Journeymen in Metternichian South Germany, George S. Werner says that "until well into the nineteenth century, journeymen thought of themselves as integral components of the guild structure and willingly followed the path designed to lead them to masterhood. . . . Ideally, a youth would be apprenticed at age fourteen, would become a journeyman after three to five years of training, would spend several years traveling and working, and at age thirty would be ready for acceptance as a master."

In Summer 2006, my wife and I visited my Drueke cousins in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and had a mini-reunion. My cousin Jim Griffin gave me the Wander-Buch of our great great grandfather Wilibald Koch.

our great great grandfather, Wilibald Koch, was born in 1827 in Andelfingen in the Kingdom of Württemberg. From 1845 to 1853, when he was age 18 to 26, Wilibald worked as a journeyman ropemaker in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Just about every industry had a need for rope (especially masons, shipwrights, teamsters, and timberwrights). Ropemakers created rope, nets, and rigging from raw materials, usually plant fibers.

On April 28, 1845, Wilibald was issued a Wander-Buch by the Kingdom of Württemberg. A Wander-Buch is a literally a journey book. It is at once a passport and résumé. When issued it has many blank pages for local authorities to give their stamp of approval and employers (Masters) to write about the employee (journeyman).

The book comes in a case that is 4-3/8 inches wide by 6-1/2 inches. The book is 4-1/8 by 6-1/2. The book has a hard back cover, but no hard front cover. The pages are 4 by 6-1/4. There are 100 pages, 75 of which have been used. The book was issued in Ulm, which is about 38 miles northeast of Andelfingen, on the west side of the Danube River, across from Bavaria.

A journeyman must first complete an apprenticeship with a Master craftsman. So Wilibald was likely working as an apprentice ropemaker for a Master ropemaker in Andelfingen or nearby Riedlingen for several years before age 18. When he completed his apprenticeship at age 18, he was issued the Wander-Buch by the government, allowing him to work as a journeyman ropemaker in cities and towns in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. This he did for eight years.

The journeyman would find a Master who needed a help. He would give his Wander-Buch to the Master. The Master would review the work record in the Wander-Buch before hiring the journeyman. The Master would then retain the Wander-Buch and enter at the end of the job a record of the time and place of the work. The Master would sign the entry, and an offical stamp would indicate the city or town where the work was done. Sometimes, the Master would make a statement about the character of the journeyman.

Wilibald Koch's Wander-Buch contains, on pages 9 to 75, entries from Master ropemakers and officials in cities and towns where Wilibald worked between 1845 and 1853. The general area was southern Germany and northern Switzerland, with some work in north western Austria--within a radius of a couple hundred miles around his home in Andelfingen. A total of 112 entries have been identified with the help of Carmen and Bernhard Hampl. An alphabetical list is provided below. The numbers after the place names are the page numbers in the Wander-Buch.


  • Ach  38b
  • Bad Hall   20a
  • Braunau am Inn   38a
  • Bregenz   48a, 49a
  • Dornbirn   17a
  • Feldkirch  48b
  • Höchst   16, 47b
  • Innsbruck   19b
  • Landeck   18a
  • Linz   21b, 36b, 37a
  • Salzburg  39a
  • Silz   19a
  • Steyr   36a
  • Vienna  34a
  • Wiener Neustadt  35b


  • Budapest  34b


  • Aarau   13b
  • Andelfingen   31a
  • Basel   60a, 61a, 67b, 71b
  • Berne   69b
  • Frauenfeld   15a, 29a
  • Gümmenen  69a
  • Horgen   71a
  • Laufenburg   13a
  • Lenzburg   13c
  • Lucerne   70a
  • Münchwilen   65a, 66d
  • Neuchâtel   68a
  • Rorschach   64b, 66c
  • Schaffhausen   12a
  • St Gallen   15b, 47a, 64c
  • Tägerwilen   11b
  • Winterthur   65b
  • Zurich   14, 29b, 65c, 67a


  • Ailingen   53a
  • Andelfingen   51a, 51c, 54a, 63a, 66b
  • Bad Säckingen   12b
  • Baden-Baden   58b
  • Biberach   52a
  • Blaubeuren   45b
  • Constance   11a
  • Emmendingen   59a
  • Freiburg  62
  • Friedrichshafen   10b, 28b, 46c, 66a
  • Göggingen   25b
  • Göppingen   55b
  • Herbertingen   63e
  • Karlsruhe   56a
  • Langenenslingen   9b
  • Mannheim  73a
  • Ravensburg   28a, 52b, 63c
  • Riedlingen   45a, 54b, 64a
  • Saulgau   50c, 63b
  • Tettnang   46b, 50b
  • Ulm  27b, 51b, 55a
  • Wangen im Allgäu   9b
  • Weingarten   63d


  • Augsburg   25c
  • Bad Reichenhall   39b
  • Bad Tölz   43b
  • Freising   24c
  • Lindau   10a, 50a
  • Munich   25a
  • Neu-Ulm  27a
  • Passau   32b
  • Pfarrkirchen  23a
  • Regensburg   53b
  • Schongau   <44b
  • Tegernsee  43a
  • Traunstein   41
  • Zusmarshausen   26a
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen  44a


  • Landau   72a
  • Mainz   56b
  • Speyer   58a, 72c


  • Frankfurt   57a, 73b
  • Friedberg   73c


  • Altona  75
  • Hamburg  74a

Traveling journeymen were not paid for the work they did but received free room and board. They wore clothes that were easily recognizable and functional: a very broad-brimmed hat and very wide trousers in the ankle area. Their few personal belongings were wrapped in a piece of fabric that was hung from their walking stick, which was carried over the shoulder. They had no money for transportation, so they walked from city to city unless they were offered a ride. They had to appear "clean" so as not disgrace their trade.

There were no photographs in those days, so the bearer of the Wander-Buch was described in detail. The decription of Wilibald on page 7 was as follows: average height, oval face, blond hair, ordinary forehead, blond eye brows, blue eyes, ordinary nose, full cheeks, good teeth, round chin, straight legs, clean skin. A medical examination inserted in 1852 indicated that he had no contageous skin diseases and had been inoculated for smallpox.

When a journeyman had worked a certain amount of time, he was eligible to become a master--a full-fledged member of the ropemakers guild. This was easier said than done. The guild was a sort of cartel that controlled the number of masters.

William Koch
1905 obituary photo of William Koch.
After eight years as a journeyman, Wilibald did his last job in Hamburg and decided to go to America. The last date stamped in his Wander-Buch was May 31, 1853. Wilibald immigrated to Grand Rapids, Michigan, changed his name to William, and continued to work as a ropemaker at least until 1860. He was active in founding Saint Mary's Church in 1857 in a German neighborhood on the West Side of Grand Rapids. After the disastrous fire of 1858 which burned a number of factories near the Grand River and destroyed the only bridge across the river at that time, an old wooden structure at Bridge street, he was employed to make the two enormous ropes from which a footbridge was suspended until the old bridge could be rebuilt. Eight days after the fire, William married Regina Theresa Fassnacht, who was born in 1823 in Königheim, 140 miles north of Andelfingen. Machine made rope came into the market and William then turned his attention to upholstering, being the first to set up an upholstery shop in Grand Rapids. William served in Virginia during the Civil War, and fought in the Battle of Bull Run. He was a Sergeant with the "German Rifles"--Company C of the Third Michigan Infantry Regiment. In 1872, he started an undertaking business, which he was active in for 33 years. William died in Grand Rapids in 1905 at age 77. In addition to the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), he was a member of the Arbeiter, Germania, and Schwaben societies.

The Wander-Buch was provided by my cousin James Griffin. Our grandmother Rose Smith Drueke, a granddaughter of Wilibald Koch, had given it to Jim when he was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army.

The Wander-Buch is reproduced below. There are three panels for each page. The first is an image of the actual page showing the original German script. To get a higher-resolution image, click on the image shown in the panel. The middle panel is a modern type version of the original German script. The third panel is an English translation.

Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, Insert
Original ScriptModern TypeEnglish Translation

Illustreret Videnskab Historie
Image of pages 12 and 13 from the Wander-Buch of Wilibald Koch shown on page 48 of Illustreret Videnskab Historie, Nr. 16, 2018. Towns included are Schaffhausen, Bad Säckingen, Laufenburg, Aarau, and Lenzburg.
Historie Article. In 2018, I received an email from Jannik Petersen, a Journalist with Illustreret Videnskab Historie:

With your permission, we would like to use a picture from your great great grandfather's Wanderbuch in an article in the Scandinavian history magazine "Illustreret Videnskab Historie" (Science Illustrated History).

In our November issue we will publish an 8 page article about "navere" – the term used about journeymen from Scandinavia (naver is short for Skandinaver - someone from Scandinavia).

In a seperate mail I will send you a mini of the article, which is still work in progress. Here you can see how I would like to use your great great grandfathers wanderbuch as illustration for an infobox about the wanderbuch - and how essential it was for journeymen.

Best regards from sunny Copenhagen
Jannik Petersen

Jannik later sent me a translation of the text in the infobox - "please excuse my flawed king's English"

The wanderbuch prevented begging

Before the naver (the scandinavian term for journeyman) began his journey, he had to fill out a wanderbuch and have it signed by the local chief of Police. The book contained information about the journeyman (name, occupation etc) in addition to guarantees that he was'nt carrying any contagious diseases.

Upon arrival at the first city of his journey the journeyman had to show the wanderbuch to local authorities, and they eyed it carefully – especially looking for any negative statements written by former masters or the police.

Upon leaving a city the police stamped the wanderbuch and wrote which day the journeyman left. That way the police in the next city could count the days and determine if the journeyman had taken a straight route or had spend days begging for food or money, which was strictly prohibited in most european countries.

Jaannik closed with "Have a nice day - and thank you so much for lending us the picture."

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