About PetersPioneersCensus for Leo and Mabel Hayes O' Brien Household

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Index Name O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien
Address Patchen Road, South Burlington, Vermont Patchen Road, South Burlington, Vermont Patchen Road, South Burlington, Vermont
Head of Household Leo, born in Vermont, cattle dealer Leo, 45, born in Vermont, cattle dealer Leo, 55, born in Vermont, farmer
Wife Mabel, 49, born in Vermont Mabel, 59, born in Vermont
Son Leo, 9, born in Vermont Leo Jr., 19, born in Vermont
Son Daniel, 6, born in Vermont Daniel, 16, born in Vermont
Sister Mary Caisse, 38, born in Vermont
Niece Marian, 15, born in Vermont
Nephew Daniel Caisse, 10, born in Vermont
Nephew Paul Caisse, 2, born in Vermont Paul Casey, 12, born in Vermont Paul Casey, 22, nephew, born in Vermont, famer's helper
Help Howard Dolan, 19, born in Vermont
Step son-in-law Earnest Savage, 23, born in Massachusetts, truck driver for cattle
Step daughter Rita Savage, 19, born in Vermont
Step granddaughter Patricia Savage, 2/12, born in Vermont
Brother Patrick, 55, divorced, born in Vermont, buyer for cattle dealer Patrick, 65, divorced, born in Vermont
Father-in-law Lawrence Hayes, 82, born in Vermont, widower, farmer, lived in Milton, Vermont, in 1935

Genealogist Maureen O'Brien has provided the following information.

Leo O'Brien was born in South Burlington, Vermont, on February 4, 1895. His parents were Daniel and Bridget Keefe O'Brien.

Mary Mabel Hayes was born on May 8, 1890. Her parents were Lawrence and Jennie Duprey Hayes. She married Francis Joseph (Fred) Brown in South Burlington on November 6, 1908. They had a daughter Rita Marion Brown born January 24, 1921. Mabel divorced Fred Hayes in Burlington on April 16, 1925. In the 1930 census, Mabel, 39, was living on Williston Road in South Burlington, divorced, working as a dressmaker in her own shop, living with her daughter Rita, 9, and Aunt Margaret Hayes, 75.

Leo O'Brien became a member of the South Burlington Town Committee. In 1928, he was one of three Democrats who charged Republicans with tearing down a picture of Governor Al Smith which decorated the Town hall and stated that they would replace the picture.

In the 1930 and 1940 censuses, Leo was living on Patchen Road in South Burlington and listed as a cattle dealer. He had a slaughter house in South Burlington.

Leo O'Brien and Mabel were married in Crown Point, New York, on June 17, 1930. Sons Leo and Daniel were born in Burlington in 1931 and 1933.

Leo O'Brien died on April 16, 1957. He was buried in St. Joseph Cemetery.

In 1969, at the urging of the Jaycees, the Town of South Burlington purchased eight acres on Patchen Road, including the O'Brien home, from Mabel O'Brien. It was to become known as the O'Brien Recreation Park. Through the courtesy of Mabel O'Brien, kids had played baseball there for many years. It became known as Jaycee Park.

Jaycee Park
Jaycee Park, 113 Patchen Road, South Burlington, in 2020.

Mabel died August 8, 1975, at 150 Old Farm Road, South Burlington. She was buried alongside Leo. See: Find A Grave. She left three children, Rita O'Brien, Leo O'Brien, and Daniel J. O'Brien.

Rita Marion Brown was born in Winooski, Vermont, on January 24, 1921. She married Earnest Warren Savage in South Burlington on June 12, 1939. They were living on Patchen Road with their daughter Patricia in the 1940 census.

Edward and Kerry O'Brien Biggins Family Tree      Home Page