About PetersPioneersDeath Record for James Flannery

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This death record has been created from a copy of a microfilmed hand-written registry of Deaths for Green County, Wisconsin, puchased from the Wisconsin Historical Society. Registers were recorded for each calendar year from death certificates submitted by Town Clerks.

  No. 3, Recorded January 5, 1901
1. Full name of deceased James Flannery
2. Maiden name (if wife or widow) x
3. Color White
4. Sex Male
5. Race (a) Irish
6. Occupation of deceased Farmer
7. Age (years, months, and days) 79 years
8. Name of father John Frances Flannery
9. Birthplace of father Ireland
10. Name of mother Catherine Grady
11. Birthplace of mother Ireland
12. Birthplace of deceased Ireland
13. Name of wife of deceased Mary Murray
14. Name of husband of deceased x
15. Date of birth of deceased July 1821
16. Condition (single, married, or widowed) Married
17. Date of death December 13th, 1900
18. Residence at time of death Jordan
19. Cause of death—Primary
Cause of death—Secondary
Heart Disease
20. Place of death Jordan
21. Duration of disease two months
22. Was the deceased ever a soldier or sailor in the service of the United States No
23. Place of burial Argyle, Wisconsin
24. Name of undertaker or other person conducting burial Andrew Minson
25. Date of certificate December 14th, 1900
26. No. burial permit 25
27. Date of burial permit December 15th, 1900
28. Other important facts not related C. H. Carey, Physician
Marshall Lewis, Town Clerk

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